If you’re looking for the ultimate solution to tooth loss “near me,” you can’t do better than dental implants. Implants can be used at any stage of tooth loss, from replacing one tooth to rebuilding your entire smile through a full mouth restoration. The best time to replace missing teeth to avoid bone loss is shortly after losing them. At Hindman Family Dentistry, we offer dental implants to our patients in Sioux City, Iowa, and nearby communities.
What are Dental Implants?
Implants are small, titanium screw-shaped posts that act like tooth roots in supporting replacement teeth. They’re inserted into your jawbone surgically in the gap left by missing teeth. Dr. Joshua Hindman will start the process by numbing the area with a local anaesthetic. Then, we’ll make a small incision in your gum to gain access to the bone underneath. A hole is drilled in the bone, and the implant is placed within. Afterward, we’ll stitch your gum close so it can heal.
Once the implant is in place, we’ll wait three to six months to give it time to integrate with your jawbone system. Then, we’ll attach an abutment (connector) to the implant to hold your restoration and let it heal. Finally, we’ll attach your restoration to the abutment to complete your procedure. You’re now ready to start using your new teeth!
Implants for Every Stage of Tooth Loss
Whether you’re missing one tooth or many, you can benefit from implants.
Single implants – Single implants work best for replacing individual missing teeth, using a dental crown as your restoration. One implant and a crown are used for each missing tooth.
Multiple implants – An implant bridge replaces multiple missing teeth in a row using an implant on either side of the bridge.
All on 4 implants – If you’re replacing all your teeth, we’ll use all-on-4 implant treatment. Four implants will be placed in key locations in your mouth to hold implant-supported dentures as your full mouth restoration.
With a success rate of 98% and a longevity rate of a lifetime, there’s no better way to replace lost teeth than implants.
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Advantages of Choosing Implants for Missing Teeth
If you’re wondering if dental implants are worth the trouble, consider what you stand to gain from implant treatment. Implants:
- Complete your smile beautifully with strong, natural-looking replacement teeth
- Restore your teeth’s full functionality so you can eat what you want with no dietary restrictions
- Prevent further tooth loss and keep your jawbone from deteriorating
- Act like tooth roots to keep your teeth from slipping, shifting, or coming loose when you eat
- Make it easier to brush and floss your teeth to minimize your risk of cavities
- Restore the joy of smiling again
Implants give you back the life and lifestyle you lost when teeth went missing, making them well worth the investment.
Dental Implants Near Me
Interested in learning more about implants? Contact Dr. Joshua Hindman from Hindman Family Dentistry in Sioux City, IA, at [phone].